Wednesday, July 22, 2009


How has your 6 weeks with art affected/changed you...or what does art mean to you now?

Initially when I was choosing my classes for the summer and I had come across Art History, I never realized that it would actually be the history of art, rather than the study of some artists and their pieces. Although, we did in-fact study about artists and their pieces we also looked at the history of art in a larger perspective, including but not limited to- the particular time periods when certain techniques and variations of art were created, the birth of certain and important artists, and the beginning of true beauty in art. Art is a beautiful concept and creation and through this 6-week course I was able to familiarize myself with techniques that dated back to the 1500s and that are still seen in art today. These techniques are what make today's art so vivid, beautiful, unique, and strong.

A week into this class I was afraid I was falling behind and not quite grasping the full potential of art history as a whole. I was afraid that I was not understanding everything in detail and knowing what everything meant and how it related to each artist. Fortunately, as the weeks went on I realized that it is not necessary to fully understand each part of the reading as long as I am able to understand the concept as a whole and how it contributed to the history of art, to that particular artist, and to today's art. This class has opened my eyes to a lot of different pieces of art and has taught me how to distinguish certain pieces and relate them to their particular time period. I am now more open to view art and comment on it because I have learned different periods, different techniques, different artists, and all in all how they all relate to one another and how one piece can have all these difference incorporated to make it very unique and beautiful. Art is what the artist chooses to make it, and it has no limitations or guidelines.

Now, when I look a
t pieces of art I do not just ignore the details and the techniques that are used. I am able to see the differences and appreciate them because of the knowledge I have acquired through these 6-weeks. Even though a 16-week class was squished into 6-weeks, it was still very powerful and very helpful. It took a lot of time, patience, and effort to get through the readings and understand what each time period was about, but in the end it was completely worth it. Art is beautiful no matter what, we can only criticize to the extent of what we admire and do not admire in a piece, but we are not capable or in a sense- allowed to criticize an artists decision to use certain techniques in his piece, because art is what the artist wants it to be. We all view different pieces differently and make our own interpretations of them and that is the true beauty of art that it is not limited to one meaning or interpretation.

Art no longer is just the painting on the wall or the sculpture in the courtyard to me, but it is also a story that is told through the various techniques in the painting, or through the various textures in the sculpture. Art is what we want it to be.

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