Saturday, June 27, 2009


This reading made me realize how many terms I knew the definition of, but was never aware of the actual term used. I found it very interesting that many of the terms used in art today came about during the renaissance. All these art terms are commonly used in our every day vocabulary, terms such as a horizontal line, texture, spacing, and/or brightness. We relate to these terms every day, but in most cases are not aware that they are terms from the renaissance era relating to art. I have always wanted to be good at 2D art, but never really had any skill for it; therefore, I spend my time behind a photo camera lens. My favorite photos are those taking at the beach and are a prime example of a horizontal line, which is where the ocean meets the sky; although, to the naked eye it seems as if the ocean becomes the sky. This photo is one of my own down at Capitola Beach and it represents a horizontal line right at the end of the ocean where the sky begins. The horizontal line is also evident between the back end of the ocean and the front end of the ocean. This line divides all the different textures and colors of the sand, ocean, and sky.

Along with horizontal lines come terms such as texture, color, density, depth, perspective, etc. A lot of my photographs focus on texture. I make sure to find places where the texture differs and it is noticeable in the photograph. Although the texture is not tangible through the photo the texture is still seen in the picture. Most of my favorite photos from the beach are very texture oriented. The photo to the right has a lot of texture which is not just seen through the rocks and their roughness but also in the water and sand.

All the terms from the renaissance era and the art that people like Donatello, Michelangelo, Botticelli, etc. produced were then and are now vital to our every day lives. Even when we do not realize it, these terms and these pieces we use every day, whether it is to teach a 7 year old how to draw, a high school-er how to take a photograph, or an adult what is important in architecture. The renaissance era set a foundation that is very much needed today and that will be forever needed because of the terminology and the message they put forth for us. Art is timeless and its message is timeless, we all see something different in a photograph, painting, sculpture, etc. but at the end of the day, we all see something.

1 comment:

  1. While I was reading your blog, it reminded me of what I was thinking the entire time while reading the text this past week. Readings about "vanishing points" and perspective techniques seemed like such obvious information. I guess I've really taken for granted that the techniques developed during the Renaissance has influenced art ever since. From your own photography and others' artwork, I almost want to say that the remnants of the Renaissance era are evident everywhere today.
